Board Certification
Need to verify a surgeon's Board Certification?
Each generated verification is $60 and can be made online or via check to our Administrative office. A verification submitted online will be available for 24 hours. You must download and print your document prior to the online verification expiring. A verification submitted via check will take up to 7-10 business days to generate a response.
How to Run a Verification
Are you interested in seeing if a particular oral and maxillofacial surgeon is Board Certified?
- OR -
Follow these simple steps:
- On organizational letterhead, please provide the following information for each oral and maxillofacial surgeon:
- First, Middle Initial, Last Name
- State the surgeon practices
- The request must also include the name and title of the person that has requested the verification.
- A check, made payable to the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, in the amount of $60 for each oral and maxillofacial surgeon included in the verification request, must be included with the form.

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ABOMS Status Types
The status types we recognize are defined as follows:
A Diplomate who is actively engaged in the practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery or receives monetary remuneration by virtue of being an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, and is currently in good standing with ABOMS. A Diplomate in good standing who is currently in the clinical practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery. An Active Diplomate with a time-limited certificate is subject to all Certification Maintenance requirements.
A Candidate is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who has met the requirements and is actively pursuing Board Certification.
Not Board Certified
This person is neither Board Certified nor actively in the certification process.
Looking to change your Diplomate status? Contact the ABOMS administrative office at

Our History and Mission
ABOMS has been in existence since 1945, serving as the only certifying board for the OMS specialty.

Policies and Statements
Read about the ABOMS Policies and Statements regarding privacy, special needs accommodations and more.

Do you have questions regarding Verifications? Check out our frequently asked questions section!

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